Saturday, November 27, 2021

 The date is April 28th, 2015. We are gathered at the courthouse to hear what the justice system has decided. This is the moment I have waited for, to say my piece. Even though I have so many things to say have a time limit. There are not enough words in all the languages of the world to accurately describe the impact this has had on my life. We are waiting in the lobby, and she sits next to me, probably the last time she will. This is the most crucial time, I think. For everyone here, I wonder what they are here for. A few waiting for justice. A few being held accountable? I look around at the people. I watch them fidget and glance at the clock. They take out their phones, get on social media, distract themselves before they enter the room.

Today we will not have an open court like most cases. There are few people allowed in and select members of the press. This is not the first time I have seen my initials on the top of court documents. I am glad I’m not waiting to be seen. The building is old, you can smell the generations leaning on the walls like we are today. The bench creaks and cracks when someone sits on it. I smirk at the thought of it breaking while occupied. I know it is wrong but it’s still funny. My luck it would be me that breaks the camel’s back.

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 Pre-orders for Exhibit A start now. I'll be autographing each copy and shipping it out the first week of November!! Make sure to leave ...